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Bushfire Season Outlook September to December 2019

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Bushfire Season Outlook September to December 2019

The seasonal bushfire outlook for the period from September to the end of December 2019 was launched recently at the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council’s (AFAC) annual conference in Melbourne.

The outlook for Tasmania is:

for the early part of Tasmania’s fire season, most of the state has normal fire potential. The western half of the state is wet, but the east is drier than normal, especially between the Forestier Peninsula and Scamander.

This eastern dry area has above normal fire potential. Without significant rain in the coming months, this area will expand. As in recent years, increased fire activity is likely in this dry strip before December and will require considerable response efforts.

Eastern peat soils will be susceptible to fire and will burn to depth, with traditionally wet or damp gullies already dry. The fire season in the remainder of the state will commence more normally, in late spring or early summer, and provide good conditions for planned burning” (BNHCRC 2019).

The message is clear, now is the time to prepare.

Peter Middleton, Coordinator Community Development

Wednesday, 11 September 2019 (All day)