Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhood Groups
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What does it mean to be a Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhood (BRN)?
Tasmania Fire Service has been working with communities with a program designed to reduce the loss of life and property from bushfires.
BRN Groups are formed when small groups of people living in high risk bushfire areas take responsibility for their own safety and work together to devise plans and actions to suit their lifestyle, environment and community.

What does it involve?
- Introduction to the program
- Fire behaviour
- Personal survival and protection
- House survival
- Street walk and group property assessments
- Home fire protection and firefighting equipment
- Development of personal and household bushfire survival plans
- Community Protection Plans (if in place), and
- Guidance/support on ongoing Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhood activities.
Further ongoing activities could involve:
- Establishing a telephone tree/email list to facilitate communication
- Organising community working bees
- Planning a shared response to bushfire threat
- Assisting people that are vunerable
- Bulk purchasing of firefighting or personal protective clothing
- Sharing information and resources