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Round 4 goes digital

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Round 4 goes digital

In June 2020, the TFS Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhoods program (BRN) had been in full operation for seven years. BRN is a community-based prevention, preparedness, and response program for bushfire-prone communities across Tasmania.

BRN has begun engagement with 16 communities for Round 4 of implementation (2020 to 2022). Communities have been selected based on bushfire risk, existing and future community protection planning priorities, social capital, TFS capacity, and consultation with regional and bushfire risk unit staff. Scaled support continues for the pilot, and Round 1, 2 and 3 communities.

A critical part of the engagement strategy for Round 4 is the trial of a new digital engagement platform (

Due in part to COVID-19, BRN is trialling the new platform with four Tasmanian communities: Binalong Bay, Dodges Ferry, Margate and the West Coast. If evaluation of the trial shows it is successful, BRN is likely to look at rolling the online engagement out with other core BRN communities.

Would love to have someone on site to talk about fuel reduction burn, possibly creating a fire break.
Bianca, 27 September 2020

Vegetation cleanup strategies, fuel reduction burns on private land.
Paul, 23 September 2020

Interactive, someone talking and showing us.
INCANA ROAD, 22 September 2020

On site workshops showing how to prepare homes for bushfire and mitigate risk - as much as possible.
Georgia, 22 September 2020

On site workshops on how to identify risks and practical ways to manage them. Seminars on local area risks.
Regina, 23 September 2020

Another area of focus for Round 4 includes TFS volunteer community engagement and training in a face-to-face environment and online. During the winter of 2020, a webinar series in community engagement was delivered for TFS volunteers. Connected with the BRN program is the new TFS Community Development Framework – 2020 to 2024. The new plan follows on from the success of the 2017 to 2020 plan.

The BRN program continues to be a national leader in good practice community engagement in the disaster resilience space. During 2020, the program contributed to the development of the AIDR Community Engagement for Disaster Resilience Handbook. The handbook is a good practice guide to community engagement in disaster resilience.

Peter Middleton 
Coordinator, Community Development

Tuesday, 17 November 2020 (All day)